The makings of a zoo...
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
"If you had a penis you'd stick it between CJ's boobs."
I did it!

Boyfriend was extremely excited about the whole production. Several

Friday, October 28, 2005
I'm back
I have been trying to work on this very simple case study since last evening and every 3 minutes I have to deviate from my task to do ANYthing else. Today is shaping up to be an insanely busy day so I've been dragging my heals to slow its commencement (not sure if that sentence makes grammatical sense but you know what I mean).
I have to work then leave there immediately to go do a workplace safety inspection for a class project, leave there and go right back to work, then pack up my massage table, linens, and such and drive to "home" to work this evening. I should finish there at 9ish but then I'll either drive the hour home tonight or tomorrow AM in order to resume working here at 10 AM. After that, Halloween costume preparations continue. Aggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I'll be fine once I actually start moving!!!!! Hit the ground running!
I keep toying with the idea of making a dress for tomorrow evening's Halloween celebration. I bought two different costumes but have had them both long enough to question their appropriateness. I'm too fickle. I made most of boyfriend's pirate costume on Sunday, I even pulled off a pirate shirt with puffy sleeves and a real collar...who knew!?!! Now, I'm trying to convince myself that it's reasonable to sew a dress with a bodice and two layers of skirt all in less than 24 hours. I just don't sew that well.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I caved
On a positive note, the Hot One and I did a TV interview for a live call-in show last night on our local cable station. I'm not sure if it will generate much business but I did have A LOT more hits on my website last night that what I've been getting normally. *crossing my fingers* We both think we pulled off a respectable performance although we'll see how our colleagues react!!
The host said to "make it fun" so we did! Be careful what you wish for, right!?
Thursday, October 20, 2005
New lows
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I get a phone call this afternoon from a company two hours from where I live. They want to set up an interview. I asked them what position it is for and the woman tells me, "junior management, PR, etc." Neat, I do none of that really. I work for myself so I guess I manage, well, me...that's about all...
Maybe it's a sign...
Anyone want to go for a drive tomorrow??
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Curse of the bellbottoms
The day was going rather smoothly when my mother hears a horrific gut wrenching scream coming out of my delicate (ha!) little mouth. I was pounding my leg incessantly like a demon had taken possession of my femur!!! She runs out whips off my pants and there it is...a frog...dead...squished by the hand of a three-year-old.
Coffee love sticks
We planned a bit of our Halloween excursion and costumes, a strong pirate theme seems to be present amongst our group, thank you Captain Jack Sparrow! Boyfriend and I are getting our costumes compiled early this year in spite of our strong tendencies to procrastinate such efforts. I, however, know why I procrastinate the costume buying, I get bored of it by the time Halloween rolls around. I purchased a pirate costume a couple of weeks ago but now I want a new because this one is old now. We'll see. I did buy a Halloween bandana for Vince even though I thought he would look dapper as Princess Leia. Maybe next year!
The before

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The weather this past weekend was terrible so it's so nice to see the sun shining out there today. I had a bit of time to walk the dog between work, school, and procrastinating school work. Yesterday we walked to the dog park so we could practice our puppy class homework, which was quite successful. I, however, was the deviant one of the day. I had to pee very badly by the time we arrived at the dog park and given that it is essentially a large doggy toilet, I peed there...on the ground...like the dogs...I didn't cock my leg. I was considerate and did it behind a bench where people wouldn't walk and dogs were unlikely to roam.
I was alone, by the way.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
A sign?
On the work side of things, my office phone is STILL down. The phone company said someone can be there on Sunday to repair it but I should try unplugging it and then plug it in again because if the technician says the problem didn't require them then I get charged a minimum of $50 for their time. I told her "I will not accept charges of any amount." Morons.
Perhaps I should just quit work and school.
My life isn't all doom and gloom! I was at the grocery store last night with Ms.D. and we laughed...a lot. I think she's misleading me though. She makes me feel funny (haha funny not peculiar funny) because she laughs so whole heartedly at my jokes. I can see me trying a career in comedy but she'd probably be my only fan! Silly girl! All over a smart car!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
I had a great Thanksgiving weekend. It was quite quiet, which was exactly the kind of weekend I was aiming to have. I did not accomplish all of the school work organization that I had intended to do but that comes as no surprise given the non existent level of motivation this term. My livingroom is in a better state of repair so not all time was wasted.
I drove out to my parents' place yesterday for supper and it was quite amusing to watch them. They were both quite jovial (not that they're cranky normally) and laughing very hard over their evening out to watch a movie. My dad was laughing to the point of almost giggling like a school girl. It was cute.
I took Vince with me to get another car ride under his belt and we had a puke free journey, both ways! My dad and grandmother both pretend they don't like the dog and they yank their hands up away from him everytime he sniffs them, which is confusing for Vince because that's his sit command. They would do it and he would plunk his bum down and stare at them intently waiting for his reward. Silly kids.
The drive over to my homeland was beautiful as it always is this time of year. I'm waiting to get a good picture and I'll post a summer/fall comparison.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Consumer affairs
Server: *static* ....you?
Boyfriend: Yeah, I'll have a medium coffee with milk and a large peppermint tea.
Server: Ok, that'll be *static*
We drive through and the server awaits payment so boyfriend asks the total. With a look to kill she repeats the total:
Server: $2.60
Boyfriend: Sorry 'bout that, I couldn't really hear the speaker.
Server: I know the rain makes it hard to hear.
Who knew!! Rain interferes with sounds waves to the point of muffling a speaker system in a drive through. I'll be damned.

This may be a mean post but it is not ill intended. I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my nephew. He was born the day before my birthday last year; I was not impressed. I like having my birthday to myself and now I will have to share birthday parties forevermore. At least that's what I've been telling everyone all year long only to turn around and crash the baby's party for my convenience! I had to go camping!
He had a bit of a rough entrance to the world having been yanked out of mummy with forceps. I saw a birth story show one time and they showed the doctor using forceps and I almost died! He leaned back using his entire body weight to tugged this wee little baby out of its warm cozy spot. EEeeeek! And we're all so timid of hurting them! They're tougher than we think.
When he was a month old, I was scared to look at him. Man! He was NOT cute. He was actually quite frightening. I have no problem pointing out a homely child albeit in another room away from his parents who I hope realize now just how scary he was.
At Christmas time he had gained some weight but still look like a poster child for Canada Children's Fund. "Please send money, I'm starving!"
Once you spent time with him he became very cute because he's such an easy baby. He rarely cries and isn't afraid of people and he laughs all of the time. The personality certainly overshadowed his lean body. My mother will tell you she was "very concerned" that he wasn't getting enough nutrition, not for lack of trying. My sister-in-law is an excellent mother but perhaps the quality of milk was off but the doctor was advising her the whole time.
Anyhow, a birthday party later and lots of cake, he came around.
New Addition

Sometimes you meet people that you truly like and sometimes you meet people that you truly like what they SEEM to be about. I met a woman this spring that I truly like, the real her not the circumstances surrounding her.
She was dating boyfriend's friend, who was a bit of a dink, and when they broke up I was so sad I might not see her anymore or at least as often. Although, it was in her best interest to not be dating a self centered moron. She is one of those kind hearted, honest, friendly people that you just enjoy being around.
On Wednesday as I was walking upstairs to my building manager's office (at work) and I see a piece of mail addressed to Vince from this woman's dog! After staring at it for a moment I was certain that it was indeed for Vince and I take it from the mail slot. Ranger had sent him doggie treats to console him after the loss of his balls; a bit of a "join the club" gesture! How cute!
Needless to say C and I emailed back and forth from dog to dog. Vince told Ranger that boyfriend and I like her better than the Weird Little Short Man (aka WLSM). So mature I am!

I am quite excited that Ranger and C will be passing through town this weekend and are planning to stop by for a doggie date! I really hope we keep in touch!
Friday, October 07, 2005
The scary envelope

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to void my bank account.
I thought I'd show you a picture of the doggie goulash from last night.

Yummy yummy. He gets one little piece everytime he does something correctly that I ask him to do.
So my middle son, Owen, the grey and white cat, is driving me insane. He has this habit scratching around his food dish when he's through eating. This would be perfectly acceptable if he wasn't digging as though trying to tunnel to Australia. He's so coarse and rough he pulls random objects over the dish and ultimately breaking a dish if a glass one is nearby. He has broken 3 dishes in three days. Yes, I realize it's my fault for putting a glass dish at his disposal. The really annoying part is the food that gets dispersed all throughout my kitchen, which is vacuumed up by the dog who will later barf it back up. It's a vicious cycle.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
I popped by the grocery store this evening to pick up the obedience school approved treats for class and practice. I have wieners, I have cheese, I have cheerios all baked to death with garlic powder and mixed together like pooch trail-mix. I shudder to think what I paid for the concauction but he goes ape-shit over the stuff. It's a bit sad to think my mongral dog eats better than I do!
Off to research!!!!
My first client cancelled because she gave birth on Monday...excuses, excuses.
I have a bunch of school work to do this afternoon and I'm already plotting my mental map of procrastination.
This day could go either really well or really not so well.
We shall see...
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005

Oh Canada!

Sunday, October 02, 2005
The Bay

Boyfriend and I took a drive with Vince today to one our province's parks near the bay. It was a two hour drive during which Vince vomited three times; he's not too good with driving just yet but it is coming along. He was a good navigator today though, check him out!
We had a great afternoon once we washed the seat covers at a local laundromat while we let Vince run loose on the beach. You know, I didn't realize that you could buy a side use box of Tide and two sheets of Bounce. $0.59 a box!
He tuckered himself out and plopped down on a hole he dug in the sand!

We walked along this beach for 45 minutes or so after feeding Vince his replacement breakfast since the original one was shaken out of the soiled blankets. I had to buy him an extra bag of food because a meal of milk bones isn't that healthy!
Look at my boys playing in the sand! I like this shot even though you can't really see either of them clearly!
It's so sad to admit but I sat in the backseat with Vince for half of the drive home. I thought it might help ease his fear of driving. Can you imagine me with real children!?!?! I'll be everything that I mock!
What a great day!
Mamma's Helpers