Friday, October 28, 2005

I'm back

I'm an official student again (I say as I'm missing my chemistry lecture, which I'm actually feeling guilty about)! I received my first student newsletter email since 1912. I'm not sure how long it's been since I've received one but it was quite some time but I'm back online!

I have been trying to work on this very simple case study since last evening and every 3 minutes I have to deviate from my task to do ANYthing else. Today is shaping up to be an insanely busy day so I've been dragging my heals to slow its commencement (not sure if that sentence makes grammatical sense but you know what I mean).

I have to work then leave there immediately to go do a workplace safety inspection for a class project, leave there and go right back to work, then pack up my massage table, linens, and such and drive to "home" to work this evening. I should finish there at 9ish but then I'll either drive the hour home tonight or tomorrow AM in order to resume working here at 10 AM. After that, Halloween costume preparations continue. Aggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I'll be fine once I actually start moving!!!!! Hit the ground running!

I keep toying with the idea of making a dress for tomorrow evening's Halloween celebration. I bought two different costumes but have had them both long enough to question their appropriateness. I'm too fickle. I made most of boyfriend's pirate costume on Sunday, I even pulled off a pirate shirt with puffy sleeves and a real collar...who knew!?!! Now, I'm trying to convince myself that it's reasonable to sew a dress with a bodice and two layers of skirt all in less than 24 hours. I just don't sew that well.


Blogger Bridget M. said...

You can do it! I spent 2 nights crocheting a batman mask/hat for my 4 yr old who demanded I make his costume. Good luck!

Friday, October 28, 2005 10:24:00 am  

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