Thursday, February 22, 2007

Holy crapper

I opened my electric bill today and my current charges for a one month period is $141.43. This is electricity ONLY. Not heat not hot water, just electricity. Fuck. Really.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bits and pieces

I had a great Valentine's evening last night. Boyfriend cooked dinner and had bottle of red wine ready to roll when I got home from work. He's always so good with giving gifts that I always feel I should try harder; I am apt to hand a gift to someone wrapped in a shopping bag. He had a gift bag with matching red tissue paper and numerous little gifts all individually wrapped withing the paper. The last item was Bare Naked Ladies latest CD, which you really can't go wrong with. I give him my gifts, which were all additions to his Captain Jack costume (we'll discuss that obsession later). My gift bag was some ranom leftover jobbie from a birthday and the decorations were falling off its front. The tissue paper looked more like packing paper, but hey, it's the thought that counts.

After exchanging the gifts he looks at me and asks if I opened everything, clearly he was prompting me to hunt for the final surprise. Taped to the bottom of my gift bag were two tickets to see the Bare Naked Ladies. Yeay!

So Gia has got me onto Facebook. It's definitely addicitive once you get past the overwhelming part. My only concern is that there are a whole lot of people from my hometown on there that will make me write cautiously! I don't need Ma & Pa finding out I'm a freak! Oh wait, I think they already know.
How long are Betta fish supposed to live? Mine is on his last fin. Any recommendations, Andrea, aquaculturist?

Monday, February 12, 2007

It's -3 C, I'm melting.

Definitely a Monday morning

I was up well before 7 am but still barely made it out the door at 8:15. My keys were hiding, my cleaner arrived early, my pants were snug (I actually had them taken in instead of the snugness being from the widening of my ass).

Arriving on campus did not mark the beginning of an improving Monday morning by any stretch. Running late meant that I couldn't park in the lot that is nearest to the building in which I was attending class so I parked half way to Halifax and walked into class ten minutes late. I really dislike being late for class and disrupting the instructor and my classmates so I strip off my first four layers of ten and proceed down the steps of the lecture theatre looking for an easily accesible seat. I end up crawling over two people, which I attempt to do as slickly as possible all while apologizing for the disturbance. I trip. I stumbled forward. I disrupt pretty much everyone. Fuck.

I'm home now to regroup before heading off to work.

On a positive note, my washer started working again.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

...and now the washer decided to break.

Fuck fuck fuck I can't say fuck enough


So really though, I am thoroughly pissed. My account at the university has been locked up (again) because my student loan hasn't arrived yet. I called the student loan office today and I am getting a grand total of $675.00 for this term, which doesn't even come close to covering the cost of my tuition. They said I should have $6000+ dollars to contribute!! Snort!!! If I had that I'd pay my income taxes off in full. Fucking student loan formulas. God forbid anyone try to better themselves.

You know it's so incredibly frustrating to know that to work as a receptionist in a government office in this town you have to have a university degree, be bilingual, and be willing to work for a lot less money than what you would expect with those qualifications. A receptionist! But when it comes to student loans to acquire the minimum standard education, which we get to pay back with interest, they are so fucking stingy.

"No dear student, a life of mediocracy for you! Accept and enjoy!"

Friday, February 02, 2007

Did yesterday happen?

Seriously! I have been so incredibly exhausted this week that I can hardly even remember yesterday...or Wednesday...or Tuesday... A blur! I went to bed early last night and slept like a log.

Let me know when February is over.