Tuesday, October 11, 2005


It's Tuesday morning and I'm skipping my first class of an already short school/work week. I was up in time to be ready but my mind is prohibiting me from leaving my little apartment. I am holding out until I have to go to work at 10:30 am.

I had a great Thanksgiving weekend. It was quite quiet, which was exactly the kind of weekend I was aiming to have. I did not accomplish all of the school work organization that I had intended to do but that comes as no surprise given the non existent level of motivation this term. My livingroom is in a better state of repair so not all time was wasted.

I drove out to my parents' place yesterday for supper and it was quite amusing to watch them. They were both quite jovial (not that they're cranky normally) and laughing very hard over their evening out to watch a movie. My dad was laughing to the point of almost giggling like a school girl. It was cute.

I took Vince with me to get another car ride under his belt and we had a puke free journey, both ways! My dad and grandmother both pretend they don't like the dog and they yank their hands up away from him everytime he sniffs them, which is confusing for Vince because that's his sit command. They would do it and he would plunk his bum down and stare at them intently waiting for his reward. Silly kids.

The drive over to my homeland was beautiful as it always is this time of year. I'm waiting to get a good picture and I'll post a summer/fall comparison.


Blogger Gia said...

Yeay for a no-puke car ride! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:03:00 am  

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