
This may be a mean post but it is not ill intended. I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my nephew. He was born the day before my birthday last year; I was not impressed. I like having my birthday to myself and now I will have to share birthday parties forevermore. At least that's what I've been telling everyone all year long only to turn around and crash the baby's party for my convenience! I had to go camping!
He had a bit of a rough entrance to the world having been yanked out of mummy with forceps. I saw a birth story show one time and they showed the doctor using forceps and I almost died! He leaned back using his entire body weight to tugged this wee little baby out of its warm cozy spot. EEeeeek! And we're all so timid of hurting them! They're tougher than we think.
When he was a month old, I was scared to look at him. Man! He was NOT cute. He was actually quite frightening. I have no problem pointing out a homely child albeit in another room away from his parents who I hope realize now just how scary he was.
At Christmas time he had gained some weight but still look like a poster child for Canada Children's Fund. "Please send money, I'm starving!"
Once you spent time with him he became very cute because he's such an easy baby. He rarely cries and isn't afraid of people and he laughs all of the time. The personality certainly overshadowed his lean body. My mother will tell you she was "very concerned" that he wasn't getting enough nutrition, not for lack of trying. My sister-in-law is an excellent mother but perhaps the quality of milk was off but the doctor was advising her the whole time.
Anyhow, a birthday party later and lots of cake, he came around.
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