Me and my nephew on Christmas Eve. My brother packed sleepers for him that were way too small so I had to open his gift from me early so his feet wouldn't fall off in his sleep.
I'm having a moment of being seriously motivated! I'm looking forward to the new school term, I'm looking forward to working on working more, I'm looking forward to getting my apartment organized, hooo-ha!
Unfortunately this bout of motivation has struck moments before leaving for out New Year's Eve get together at CJ's cottage. Let's hope this will carry through to next week!
Vince chewed a tube of lipstick on my living room rug. It now has a light pink hue right in the middle of the room. Fortunately it is a very inexpensive area rug bought for messy dog incidents!
Okay, for those of you who received my coffee flavoured by yours truly, it's not poisonous! I know it looks a bit dodgey with all the bits of almond that seep through the coffee filter but don't be alarmed, you will catch hoof and mouth disease from the murky pot of joy!
I suppose this is why they suggested chopped almonds as opposed to ground almonds!
As for this past term at school. It was shit, I was shit. I want no sympathy or kind words of support, I don't need them because I don't feel even remotely upset by it at all. I checked my marks on the 23rd of December just to get me in the Christmas spirit or put me out of my misery.
I got straight D's...and an A.
I actually did better than I thought, which is extremely pathetic but hey, I didn't get F's. It's not hard to tell that I had no interest in academia this year!
January will be better, I'm almost looking forward to these upcoming classes now that I have the shuffling almost completed!
It's so hard to imagine that Christmas is over and the tree is soon coming down. I had a great time this year with my family even though my pooch stayed home to allow my nephew to play without being ploughed over!
Leading up to Christmas was a bit hectic but once I left for home on Friday everything was fine. A friend of ours dropped by on Thursday to bring gifts to the animals, which included this little gem! I freaking love this thing! Yep, that's a John Deere ball cap!
- kicked my freezer - cried over car keys - threw my purse - kicked my printer HARD - cried over $13 of wasted transparent labels
It's not been a good day. I thought I'd be all creative and make something for Christmas this year. I was going to print labels and make it all fun and professional but no, my asshole printer won't pick up the labels and has ruined 6 consecutive sheets of this crap. Oh, it did print one, it was lovely. Bastard.
Pot would be good tonight. I probably could have it prescribed, I'm at that point.
Vince, there just isn't enough room on my lap for both you and the laptop. As much as I love snuggling with you there are times where I need to use the computer (for actual work). Please occupy the other 3/4 of the couch.
I'm so close to being finished everything for the semester that I can taste victory!! Whether or not it's true victory is another story, I may or may not come out on top. But hey, I'm pretty much finished!!
I was just reviewing my schedule for the holidays and I got that sinking feeling in my gut when I realized how busy that I am NOT. Unfortunately bills keep rolling in whether I work or not. I am tired of being so strapped for cash as I'm sure you're all tired of reading about me being strapped for cash. So, for the New Year, I am improving my business dammit. I am starting with a new sign (already in the works), I will create brochures, I will put up posters, I will revamp my website entirely, I will hand out business cards shamelessly.
I officially started my BIG project, which is due on Wednesday! I just sent an 18 question email to the man that is in charge of the workplace I had to inspect. Some questions had multiple parts, "How many breaks do the employees get in an average day? How long? How often? Do they actually take their breaks?" I have a sinking feeling he's going to open my email and "accidentally" hit delete!
I have a lot of studying to do for my final on Monday and I'm not in study mode at all. I could definitely delve into my project but studying proper is not in the cards tonight. I am thinking of skipping boyfriend's family function tomorrow afternoon to study all day. The 11th hour.
Oh, I peed red yesterday. My client gave me a Christmas present yesterday, which consisted of pickled beets! I have eaten half of the jar already resulting in colourful twinkles!!! I love beets, partially because of the pee.
Oooooooooo, I love meat. I love all kinds of meat and their various by products...mmmmmm mmm! I have been reading the PETA website and I'm seriously thinking of giving up meat. I don't know to what degree just yet but I don't think I can continue to eat meat in good conscience after reading about what I already knew.
"Slow and Steady Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it. "
My sausage Fingers Disease has spread to my gut. I spent all of yesterday curled up in a ball on my couch with a sharp stabbing gut cramp. I described it to boyfriend as "gut labour." It would come in cyclical waves and then stop....and then BAM, STAB, Aggggggggghhhhhhh! Today I'm much better save a couple of "tense" moments.
As per my couch potato day, I was supposed to studying my arse off for my chemistry final, which is tonight. It's very tricky to study while supine on the couch with a 70 lbs. dog and an equally heavy chemistry textbook.
So far my marks have been shit in this course and I have the opportunity to do well if this final goes well but as the minutes slip away, so is my confidence. There are lots of things I understand, give me all the organic compounds you want and I can name the damn things but ask me about hybridization of valence electrons and we've got a problem.
I consumed an incredible amount of sodium yesterday. I started off with breakfast consisting of three breakfast sausages that were so greasy it felt like the gusher gum that squirts liquid sugary goodness when you bit into it, but with grease. I proceeded to eat all three sausages.
For boyfriend's family birthday supper we had KFC. I'm not sure how this tradition started because all other family dinners are steak, turkey, chicken (not the fried kind) with potatoes, you know, healthy stuff. So I had three pieces of chicken that dripped grease as I inhaled it all. Oh, and fries...and gravy...
Yep, I am a giant salt shaker today. I woke up with my fingers looking as plump and as stiff as the very sausages that started this whole ordeal.
So, I drink my coffee and I head out to work. My client has a two month old baby (baby #2) who is just a darling little thing that sleeps and generally just hangs out without saying anything.
Said baby accompanied mom to her massage this morning.
Said baby cried.
Said massage therapist (moi) changed a diaper. (I offered, write that down!)
What massage therapist changes babies? Odd. I'm freakin' odd.
PS: the spellchecker picked up "freakin'" and suggested "foreskin" for a correction. Hehehehe!!
It's not even midnight and I've attended two parties and am officially on my way to bed, well past my bedtime. Boyfriend's running group was having their Christmas party which was at his friend's house so it also became his birthday party. Party host's girlfriend walked in and was approached by one of the group members,
Last night on my cell phone with boyfriend (I use a hands-free headset, don't panic!) while driving in snow "storm" almost sliding off the highway (freeway for you US folks),
Boyfriend: "I took Vince out to poop and I thought his intestines were coming out, there was this red stuff suspending a turd. It just hung there still connected to his butt. I had to pull it out."
Welcome to Doggy Parenting 101: Be cautious of Dollarstore rope bones.
I worked out of town yesterday and had an hour's drive turn into an hour and 45 minute drive home. I was an hour late for a dinner I was "hosting" at a restaurant only to arrive to one other person. No one had bothered to come. After 45 minutes one other person showed up. That was it. I had expected to be home by 8pm which turned into 9:45pm.
I sat down on couch.
I layed down on the couch.
I fell asleep on the couch.
Dog stuck his nose in my ear while sucking in air at about 40 amps.
Today is boyfriend's birthday and therefore today has been packed full so far. He ran a 10K this morning while I walked the dog and then we went to a pottery painting place upon his request for a birthday outing. CJ and family joined us there only to watch me paint for a long long time with little progress. They had all created their own beautiful gems in the meantime.
They left us there to die.
We finished the damn things finally and just in time for the 3 pm Christmas play we had tickets too. We popped by the apartment to let the dog out and for a quick wardrobe alteration and off we went again.
We're home now but only for 72 more minutes before a inter-apartment building gather and then another party up the hill for boyfriend's b-day.
"Stumbling corrective responses during treadmill-elicited stepping in human infants"
This the name of a research article I was using for the Assignment From Hell this morning. Now, just where do they find said infants? I wonder if I'll lend my infants out for motor control research? I wonder if they deafferent human infants like they do cats and dogs? Hmmm...
I've been a good girl this year. I will only be asking you for necessities this year, Santa as I'm trying to steer away from feeding commercialism of holidays. I will request a few things that will simplify my life.
First, I really need drool protectors for my dog. He has a faucet face when in the car even though he seems excited to get in the darn thing. It's a bit off putting for passengers to sit with him.
Second, I really could use a bout of enthusiasm for school. Santa, I studied really hard this past weekend and now I'm losing steam. Please send some will power, or a academic clone to write my finals (I will need this gift a bit early though).
Third and final (for now), Santa, just let me win the Super 7 or the Lotto 649, I'll only keep a few million and I promise to share.
PS: Could you please include a Super 7 and a Lotto 649 ticket in my stocking to increase my odds of winning.
Sorry CJ but that is not an ice cream cone sticking out of Santa's ass although that could be quite amusing. It's a fart funnel! I will try to fix up the masthead so the farting Santa picture is more clear!!!
PS: Blogger spell check does not recognize the word fart.
Winter has arrived in the maritimes! I have been bundled up in all kinds of winter gear but still am freezing and it's only -4 C. Ms. D. pointed out that in a couple of months from now -4 will feel SO warm and it's so very true!
My studying has been thrown off but I have all day tomorrow to get back on track. I intend to do an outline for my big project as well tomorrow and, of course, I'll do Thursday's assignment too. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhh!
Ms. D. came in for a massage this afternoon and then we walked with the dog immediately afterward. Somewhere this afternoon I had an image of perogies so I decided we should stop by the grocery store on our stroll to grab a bag. I thought a 4 kg bag should do it. We only cooked 2 kg and ate at least half between the two of us!!! Mmmm... Ms. D. felt a bit stuffed but I'm feeling quite comfortable and considering having another one...or two...
Ok, this post has nothing to do with toads but that is one of my favourite French words because it sounds like crap but it's not.
Studying has been quite successful although I have not met the goal entirely I have the bulk of it completed. I do need time to let it stew. I also need to remember that I have two other courses to consider at some point including a HUGE project worth 50% of my mark for the class. And, of course, I mustn't forget the assignment that's due on Thursday. Booooooo...
GOAL: Schedule change - the remainder of chapter four may resume Sunday evening or on Monday. All other chapters are pushed back by one day.
Yep. It has happened. I have studied. I just completed chapter one of my chemistry class. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...
I'm having a coffee break now to allow my new found knowledge to absorb. Chapter two will resume in fifteen minutes; I'll keep you posted as to my progress.
GOAL*: - Chapters 1 - 4 by Sunday at 5 pm. - Chapters 6 & 7 Monday - Chapters 8 & 9 Tuesday/Wednesday - Chapter 25 Thursday through Sunday
*Scheduled goal may be subject to change at any time without warning.
I almost peed in the dog park again. I must I must I must stop drinking coffee immediately before venturing out for a stroll with mon chien. Silly silly me!
Anyhow, I may be working in another small town a day or so per week. There is a community about 40-45 minutes from here that has no massage therapist and has a surrounding area that could probably employ a full time therapist. There are about five physicians in the area that have been practically begging for a therapist to go there with no luck...until now! My intent is to get it started, build it up a bit and then hire someone to work into the schedule. Cross your fingers I can find someone willing to travel!
This all comes at a very good time as the city I live in and currently work in is completely saturated with massage therapists so it's like beating a dead horse trying to flourish here. Don't get me wrong, you can do quite well but you have to be quite flexible for your clients' schedules.
It's funny how things always seem to work out. I have spent the past several months stressed over my business since my office mate left in the spring. I had many moments where I felt desperate and doomed even though I knew things would turn around and they are. Keep the faith!