Monday, December 12, 2005

Average Day With Sausage Fingers

I consumed an incredible amount of sodium yesterday. I started off with breakfast consisting of three breakfast sausages that were so greasy it felt like the gusher gum that squirts liquid sugary goodness when you bit into it, but with grease. I proceeded to eat all three sausages.

For boyfriend's family birthday supper we had KFC. I'm not sure how this tradition started because all other family dinners are steak, turkey, chicken (not the fried kind) with potatoes, you know, healthy stuff. So I had three pieces of chicken that dripped grease as I inhaled it all. Oh, and fries...and gravy...

Yep, I am a giant salt shaker today. I woke up with my fingers looking as plump and as stiff as the very sausages that started this whole ordeal.

So, I drink my coffee and I head out to work. My client has a two month old baby (baby #2) who is just a darling little thing that sleeps and generally just hangs out without saying anything.

Said baby accompanied mom to her massage this morning.

Said baby cried.

Said massage therapist (moi) changed a diaper. (I offered, write that down!)

What massage therapist changes babies? Odd. I'm freakin' odd.

PS: the spellchecker picked up "freakin'" and suggested "foreskin" for a correction. Hehehehe!!


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