Saturday, December 10, 2005


I worked out of town yesterday and had an hour's drive turn into an hour and 45 minute drive home. I was an hour late for a dinner I was "hosting" at a restaurant only to arrive to one other person. No one had bothered to come. After 45 minutes one other person showed up. That was it. I had expected to be home by 8pm which turned into 9:45pm.

I sat down on couch.

I layed down on the couch.

I fell asleep on the couch.

Dog stuck his nose in my ear while sucking in air at about 40 amps.

I woke up.


Today is boyfriend's birthday and therefore today has been packed full so far. He ran a 10K this morning while I walked the dog and then we went to a pottery painting place upon his request for a birthday outing. CJ and family joined us there only to watch me paint for a long long time with little progress. They had all created their own beautiful gems in the meantime.

They left us there to die.

We finished the damn things finally and just in time for the 3 pm Christmas play we had tickets too. We popped by the apartment to let the dog out and for a quick wardrobe alteration and off we went again.

We're home now but only for 72 more minutes before a inter-apartment building gather and then another party up the hill for boyfriend's b-day.

I just want to sleep.


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