Friday, December 30, 2005

I didn't poison you all

Okay, for those of you who received my coffee flavoured by yours truly, it's not poisonous! I know it looks a bit dodgey with all the bits of almond that seep through the coffee filter but don't be alarmed, you will catch hoof and mouth disease from the murky pot of joy!

I suppose this is why they suggested chopped almonds as opposed to ground almonds!


As for this past term at school. It was shit, I was shit. I want no sympathy or kind words of support, I don't need them because I don't feel even remotely upset by it at all. I checked my marks on the 23rd of December just to get me in the Christmas spirit or put me out of my misery.

I got straight D's...and an A.

I actually did better than I thought, which is extremely pathetic but hey, I didn't get F's. It's not hard to tell that I had no interest in academia this year!

January will be better, I'm almost looking forward to these upcoming classes now that I have the shuffling almost completed!


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