Saturday, December 17, 2005


I officially started my BIG project, which is due on Wednesday! I just sent an 18 question email to the man that is in charge of the workplace I had to inspect. Some questions had multiple parts, "How many breaks do the employees get in an average day? How long? How often? Do they actually take their breaks?" I have a sinking feeling he's going to open my email and "accidentally" hit delete!

I have a lot of studying to do for my final on Monday and I'm not in study mode at all. I could definitely delve into my project but studying proper is not in the cards tonight. I am thinking of skipping boyfriend's family function tomorrow afternoon to study all day. The 11th hour.

Oh, I peed red yesterday. My client gave me a Christmas present yesterday, which consisted of pickled beets! I have eaten half of the jar already resulting in colourful twinkles!!! I love beets, partially because of the pee.


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