Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Can't Hold Back

I tried to not post this picture as I intended to send it out as my Christmas card this year (as if I've even sent cards in the past 3 or 4 years). This may add to the list of ways I've been abusing my dog...

I've just officially missed another class this morning. I was almost dressed and ready to go but had this terrible feeling in my gut. I should leave you hanging here waiting for something exciting that should make one hide away from reality but, no, I won't do that to you all. I had coffee and not enough food and yesterday I had a greasy skillet and then two BIG FAT Italian sausages...that was the terrible feeling in my gut. By the time I overcame the gut rot Chemistry was well underway...dammit.

Today, I have decided to start getting organized, again. I need to get my apartment and my head cleaned up for exam period. I had my last Chemistry lab yesterday which is a huge reminder that this term is drawing near the end and I haven't actually participated in much studying up to this point. I did, however, pass my last Chemistry lab exam.

Today, I'm becoming a good student. Ok, a better student. Ok, a student.

Monday, November 28, 2005

I'm OK

We survived the weekend! Dad wasn't overly sociable but was a bit hungover and distracted by long lost relatives and friends in town for the wedding. He offered boyfriend more than one beer so at least he was making an effort.

The wedding was lovely and I managed to get through it without any mild breakdowns that tend to overcome me during most joinings of couples. We all attended the rehearsal party where I may have consumed a glass or two or bottle too many...ooops. Boyfriend said I was borderline obnoxious as I kept telling the bride's daughter-in-law just how fat her dog was. Just pointing out the truth really!!! Can't take me anywhere!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Loooooooooooooong weekend ahead

Not the holiday kind either! I am heading to my hometown for a family wedding tomorrow evening. Tonight is the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner/party which my mother and I promised to help with so I have to bolt out of town immediately following work.

I have a big fat knot in my stomach because my father hasn't really been terribly excited about boyfriend's presence for quite sometime. We broke up a year and a half ago but worked through things and are actually better off because of the split. Unfortunately, my father, and one of my friends, is not onboard. I'm not terribly forthcoming with the intimate details of my relationship nor do I feel I have to be, I don't feel I need to verbally convince people of our happiness. If people in doubt were to spend time with boyfriend and I they would realize we are actually very loving and very happy together. Actions speak louder than words.

Anyway, that being said, I'm hoping that this weekend goes uneventfully to say the least. My father is a grown child and I am praying he doesn't act like a child and make this very uncomfortable. Pray with me now...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The graduation

He passed, Vince passed level I obedience! Well, they issued a certificate with his name stating he "participated" in the classes. All of the dogs received this so it's difficult to tell whether we officially succeeded in learning appropriate doggy do's and don'ts.

Today I read that Nick and Jessica split, for real this time, I was kind sad. It's quite sad and pathetic really but I was kind of pulling for them but now that it's happened I think I'm siding with Nick. Oh reality...I long for thee...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...until tomorrow when it will rain again and wash all of the white stuff away. I'm ready for snow, bring it on Mama Nature!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I just wrote a long story and I lost it. dammit.

Anyway, Coles notes version.

Boyfriend pissed me off, was late picking me up, left me standing in downpour, gave him frightful death look from Demon Me...

Yeah, it doesn't have the same edge. I'll try again later.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I am so utterly frustrated and angry with boyfriend right now. We have one issue that continues to pop up from time to time and throw us into a fight where we actually stop speaking and turn sideways in the hallway to avoid the slightest possible brush against the other. This fight so vicious it turns us two cheery people into assholes...The dishes. Yes folks, the dishes.

Here's the story: Boyfriend thinks the dishes should be the first and foremost chore attended to regardless of allotted cleaning time or need. He came home this evening to find me in the bedroom attempting to make the room livable as it has been an absolute disgusting mess for the past several weeks, and it's my stuff. I had some time and I was feeling motivated to tackled the daunting task. When he came into the room he shook his head in disgust and walked out. I assumed he was overwhelmed by the it-gets-worse-before-it-gets-better-mess before him but no, he was PISSED because if I decided to clean the apartment, I should have done the dishes first (yes, it's true, he almost exclusively does the dishes). He has this order in his head of when things should be done with respect to cleanliness and dishes are number one. There could be dust bunnies up to your knees and he would still insist the dishes need to be washed before the floors and I just don't give a f&^% when they're done. I can guarantee I would have washed the before the cockroaches and ants came marching one by one (ha ra, ha ra!).

He won't notice until morning but I'm sleeping on the couch.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Do you think that a double chocolate biscotti counts as a balanced nutritious diet?

The weekend is just a few hours from officially beginning and I cannot wait! Every weekend I look forward to having some nonschool and nonwork time but it doesn't always end up that way. By Sunday night I'm so sad to go to bed because I don't want to start classes all over again on Monday morning, bright and early. Five more months, five more months.

I am taking my canine-boy to have his picture done with Santa on Saturday. This picture may be the root of several Christmas gifts for a lot of people this year! I keep thinking I should make something homemade for everyone this year but I always get freaked out when I make something for someone else. This little glitch became apparent when I made an ottoman slip cover for myself and then was paralyzed when I was supposed to make a "simple" bench seat cushion for a friend! I overthought it to the point where I had to get my mother to help me make the darn thing, not without some cursing either!

I'll just keep surfing the internet...

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I feel like I've lost touch with a whole of people this term. Ever since September I feel like I haven't communicated with everyone that I normally do. I think I need to get internet back at the office because I used to communicate a lot that way but now I only have it at home and I'm really not here that often between class, clients, and walking the dog. $$

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Our poor little ground has gone from a pretty white dusting of snow to a damp soggy mess. Welcome to the Maritimes! If it's going to snow, just pile it on!

Last night Ms. D. and I ventured out to a local bar to watch The trailer Park Boys because she was on the guestlist after assisting a radio guy in pulling a prank on his colleague, on air of course. We show up at nine only to stand in line for 10 minutes outside in the snow. Once inside we thought we'd get a drink, Ms. D. indulged in a rye and ginger ale and I splurged for a straight OJ on the rocks. We found a leaning station to hold us and our drinks while we people watched. What a sight! Two women perched beside us, they appeared to be twins but I wasn't sure if it was genetics or just grooming and wardrobe although they both sported some hefty lips.

Finally, at 10 pm a band took the stage to "entertain" us with some heavy rock. All of their songs ended up sounding the same to us and I cringed everytime they started the next song. After an hour and a half of being there I turned around to see a shirtless man being escorted by the security, obviously he's tanked and has to leave, with assistance. But no, he's one of the "Boys." Oh goody. See, I don't/won't actually watch the show.

About seven minutes of the main act being on the stage with one other guy from the show Ms. D. and I could not stop fantasizing about poutine so we left. Oh what a night.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Poor old Regis is singing on his show with his wife. The man just can't sing.


We Canadians enjoyed an extra day off from work this past weekend. Friday we celebrated our remaining and fallen veterans with our various Remembrance Day services going on throughout the country. We're so blessed to have such brave men in women that fought for how we live today. I can't say that I would be so brave.

After paying respects in the late morning, boyfriend and I spent the evening with our neighbours. I'm quite surprised that they are all still living in the building after the conversation continuously returning to bodily excretions. Hmmm, lucky neighbours.

Saturday was just plain odd. Absolutely everything I planned and everyone I planned to see did not happen. We made up for the lost coffee on Sunday but my friend I was suppose to massage is still out there with a stiff neck all because I got confused between whether I was to be there at 1 or 1:30pm. Apparently it was 1pm. The sad thing is, if I mix up times it's because I've slept too late or am too hung over but this Saturday I was out of bed by 7:30 am and ready to go but confused myself on the specific half hour. I guess my brain and body completely shut down to fully appreciate the down time.

Speaking of sleep (not really, I know) I'm posting this picture of how I fell asleep a few nights ago. I was struggling to get through Grey's Anatomy for the second time even though it was a great episode. I slept like this for about 25 minutes before dragging myself to bed.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Dust bunnies

I bought a new baby last night. I am now the proud owner of a Bissell something or other vacuum cleaner. Ms. D and I realized we have obviously entered a new phase of life since purchasing a vacuum cleaner was as exciting as getting your graduation ring in high school. I, of course, revacuumed all of my area rugs that had been cleaned earlier yesterday morning. I have a small canister vac but no carpet attachment, which I now need with all of the rugs to protect the floors from doggy paws.

Brace yourselves, this is what came out of just 3 of my already vacuumed rugs (which aren't that large)...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Did you know...????

- Dead fleas dressed as wedding couples were popular collectors' items in the 1920s.

A whole pot

...of coffee. I'm drinking the whole thing, by myself.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Her name is Patricia, She calls herself Delicia

I'm taking up stripping. Not for cash but for exercise. Me and Carmen Electra. Hoooorah!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


My lab partner referred to me as a my face. What do you say to that?

She was telling me a story of her life, which I did not care about, and I responded appropriately by saying "oh, where do you go here on a Monday night?" And she tells me the name of the bar which happens to be the hillbilly bar we visited earlier in the fall (refer to "the move" pictures on or off of the car). So she says pointedly and confidently, "You're a cougar."


Monday, November 07, 2005

Tricky tricky

Wow, fraud has arrived in my inbox:

Dear TD Trust member,
we wish to inform you that your Online Banking Account has been suspended due to several fraud complaints coming from our antifraud department. The severity of the complaints themselves are verry serious and we here at TD Trust are willing to fight fraud with the upmost severity.

For the time being your account(s)has been suspended, if you wish to unlock Online Banking access to your accounts pleaseclick on the link bellow and provide us with the information that you have signed up with.

I don't actually have a TD account and they've spelled very with two r's. Maybe thery're just emphasizing just how serious they are about fraud. Veeeeeeeeerrrrrrryyyy serious, so serious they bellow! Hmmmm....

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Destination Landfill

My deck has been overrun with my recycling items. I keep forgetting to put it out for curbside pick-up or it's too rainy or too windy and I deliberately don't put it out leading to a large collection of plastics and paper on my deck. I usually will drive it out to a place with collection bins but it's about a 20 minute drive from here, but alas, I have discovered our local landfill site also has said bins. How exciting!? I realize I'm probably alone in this joyous moment but recycling excites me...a lot.

Speaking of waste, I seem to have an unusually significant number of empty Oh Henry, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Twix, and Coffee Crisp bars (the mini ones) wrappers in my trash. In fact, yesterday that list constituted my lunch. Calorie counting is not going well but my tastebuds are happy!

Oh, by the way, if you suddenly stop hearing from me, it's because my apartment building blew up. There seems to be a bit of a problem with the oil furnace causing a very strong oil odor in all our apartment units. Oooo, I see pretty colours...

The Babysitter (Me!)

Is it wrong that I played with her Polly Pockets after putting her to bed?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Oh poo

I did a silly thing tonight. I spilled mushroom soup on my USB cord for my digital camera. Not just on the cord but the sticky inny bit that plugs into the computer and now my computer no longer recognizes the device. Now I have to get a new one.
