Saturday, November 19, 2005


I am so utterly frustrated and angry with boyfriend right now. We have one issue that continues to pop up from time to time and throw us into a fight where we actually stop speaking and turn sideways in the hallway to avoid the slightest possible brush against the other. This fight so vicious it turns us two cheery people into assholes...The dishes. Yes folks, the dishes.

Here's the story: Boyfriend thinks the dishes should be the first and foremost chore attended to regardless of allotted cleaning time or need. He came home this evening to find me in the bedroom attempting to make the room livable as it has been an absolute disgusting mess for the past several weeks, and it's my stuff. I had some time and I was feeling motivated to tackled the daunting task. When he came into the room he shook his head in disgust and walked out. I assumed he was overwhelmed by the it-gets-worse-before-it-gets-better-mess before him but no, he was PISSED because if I decided to clean the apartment, I should have done the dishes first (yes, it's true, he almost exclusively does the dishes). He has this order in his head of when things should be done with respect to cleanliness and dishes are number one. There could be dust bunnies up to your knees and he would still insist the dishes need to be washed before the floors and I just don't give a f&^% when they're done. I can guarantee I would have washed the before the cockroaches and ants came marching one by one (ha ra, ha ra!).

He won't notice until morning but I'm sleeping on the couch.


Blogger Unknown said...

I got your back sister.

There are dishes in the sink as I write this. They will not get done until tomorrow morning. Or even the afternoon. Fuck it, I’m not doing them til Sunday.

Saturday, November 19, 2005 1:56:00 am  

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