Friday, March 31, 2006


Sorry, I know I haven't been posting. I have been extremely swamped procrastinating my schoolwork. I have 4 large projects due right away and I'm on the verge of pulling out my hair!

I have to do an ergonomic assessment for one class with a fellow from class. He's a bit of a keener and seems somewhat mature for a 22 year old. On the way back from our initial visit to the workplace we're studying he launches into the story of all the ways he was wrong-done-by his ex-finace. Now, I don't really know him and therefore it was a bit TMI. The only reason he spilled his guts was the owner of the shop is friends with boyfriend and I and he mentioned to 22 year old that I was in a serious relationship and therefore I was Safe-Taken-Girl. How annoying.

Monday, March 20, 2006


I popped the microwave door open only to find the tub of margarine I had put away moments prior. Hmmm?

My weekend summary

1. Realized I’m getting very close to being too old to apply for Canadian Idol not that I would ever force Canada endure such torture.

2. Dog shit smeared on you pant leg smells incredibly potent in the enclosed space of an automobile.

3. Measure twice cut once.

4. I know every “OLD” country tune out there, word for word.

5. My mother attempted to vacuum my dog on Saturday. She was surprised when he appeared frightened of the vacuum cleaner. Golly!

6. My brother won $102 000.00 in the lottery.

7. I vividly recalled eating my own boogers in Kindergarten.

8. I befriended two ladies old enough to be my mom but fun enough to get into lots of trouble!

9. Had a man old enough to be my dad hit on me and realized it wasn’t gonna fly. “So I guess sex is out of the question?”

10. Boyfriend is an air guitar KING to the point I was considering to involuntarily have him medicated.

11. Had a client tell me I didn’t have the parts to be a stripper.

There’s probably more, I’ll keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ok then smart ass!

SHAKIRA's cool. That silly Ms. D. Giving me a hard time...

I had a mild, okay, severe moment of panic this evening when my pocket pc decided to crash. I, being past the novice stage of electronic PDA use, had not backed it up in more than a week, maybe two.
I called Dell.
"Did you try resetting it?"
"There's a button on the back, use your stylus."
Have you ever noticed how judgmental we all are? I was thinking today and the thought struck me for no apparent reason (that's how my head works) that we jump to conclusions and make rash judgment without really knowing the whole person or story. One small tidbit of information can change our entire opinion of a situation but yet we don't always allow for the all of the story to be told.
Perception. I'll save that for another day.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Skakira's cool. I like her.

My eyes my eyes!

In spite of handwashing, silicon may remain on fingers causing severe eyeball burning when putting in contact lenses. Mother fucker.

With apologies

Hi Bloggers everywhere! Long time no posting huh?

So, here I am thoroughly enjoying a break from school and a slightly lighter work load this week. I have many tasks to complete before Monday morning at 8:30. Will they all get tackled, I doubt it but hey, I don’t really care and I’m not about to pretend that I do! I did, however, paint and crackle a shelf for my office, put silicon around the kitchen sink, call Belkin to exchange a broken product, clean out my laundry room, get my drapes hemmed for my office (after two months), sit on my arse, sleep in…it’s been grrrrrreat!

Huh, I’ve been more productive than I thought! Yeay.

Aside from all of that I’ve been updating and synching all of my music files. I finally installed the software for my Dell jukebox on my desktop so I can get all of those files loaded and ready to roll.

Boyfriend has started a wonderful new morning routine:
- get up at 6 am
- let the dog out to pee
- feed the dog and cats
- make a pot of coffee for me
- make himself a smoothie with ice which is obnoxiously loud
- drink said smoothie
- come back to bed
- re-set the alarm while reaching across my sleeping body
- hit snooze 3 times
- get up again
- shower
- …

All while I’m still trying to sleep and can hear it all! Plus once one of us is up, so is the dog, panting and whining because he’s hot and he wants attention.

I may have to strangle someone…

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

No news is not good news

I'm back home from house/dog/cat/fish sitting. The little wandering puppy still has not returned. The owners are not panicked about since she has done this to them before and have resigned themselves to the fact that she may not come back. Apparently when they adpoted her she had been found in the woods in February after being there for about a month and a half...with a broken hip. She's a tough one.

Tonight and tomorrow are crazy for me school wise with a midterm and two assignments, one of which is quite intensive.